This month, the image of the month is part of the Advent calendar that we have set up!


Photography and Stereoscopic Research Series and Travel Series

Venice, canal view, 1901, Duclot collection, white_1775

Today we make you travel to Venice in 1901, but not only for the beauty of the place.

December 8 is also World Climate Day. Also, in order to evoke the impact of global warming on natural spaces and sites, Venice is a very good example.

The City of the Doges happens to be seriously threatened by the impact of human activity. The rise of the waters, due to the melting of the pack ice, amplifies a flood problem already existing but more and more frequent (the acque alte,high tides).

In addition, mass tourism has led to many harmful consequences that amplify these phenomena, starting with pollution (soil, water, air, sound, light, due to hydrocarbons, etc.). We all saw it during the Italian lockdown of spring, once the city was emptied of human activity, nature regains its rights.

The city has always been a cultural and tourist mecca. The development of a more important tourism was played out from the 19th century, as Christian Bernadat showed us in his article on Venice on the front page of March, made from our funds:

Collection Duclot


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